While the rest of the country yawns incontrollably with the campaign for local and some regional governments, a few second lifers
have nothing better to do than destroying the virtual sites of the major political parties in Second Life. It's nothing unheard of in Real Life: both political parties are being attacked in the Basque Country, and (mostly) the Popular Party outside it, but, really, I don't even think anybody would have heard of those sites, not to mention visit them, if it hadn't been for this attack.
That's why I have mixed feelings about it: virtual violence is not really violence, and, from what I've heard, violence is mostly the rule more than the exception in those virtual worlds. On the other hand, whose idea was it to build those sites, in the first place? Did they really think they were going to attract any customers? They were probably just seeking the media coverage. Which is what they've got after this mock attack.
On the other hand, I don't think it's such a good idea to symbolically attack or burn symbols such as these. It's much better to try and have a rational argument, and if that's not possible, to bury it in flowers, state a duckling demonstration in front of it, or paint it in bright green polka dots. While virtual violence is not really violence, virtual fun is really fun.