We have been talking so much about
american political issues, that we neglect our own.
Two polls are going to be held next March 14th (which will meet me, by the way, in Italy): general elections to the two chambers of the spanish parliament, the congress and the senate, and elections to the andalusian parliament, only in the region where I live, Andalucia.
Elections in Spain have become very much the same as in any other country in Europe: the incumbent party, the center-right PP, which has been ruling for eight years, is pitted against a center-right party, PSOE, socialist, with other smaller parties (nationalist, regionalist, and far left) vying for mindshare and votes.
Elections are fun enough, but if you have a dab of
truce (but only in a region) thrown in, it becomes
At the end of the day, Spain is a country where
swing vote is a minority, maybe less than 10% of the total.
Voting is a great thing. We should do it more often. It would be even better if we could vote for the american president.