It's been drawn to our attention the fact that geek/computer speak includes such derisive terms as
master/slave (via
slashdot), which some minorities, majorities or otherities might find insulting. So it's the purpose of this BloJJ to spot those kind of said phrases, and, where possible, change them to somethign more acceptable. So far, we have found these:
- Little endian/big endian: should be change d to below average/above average native american
- fat pipe: overweight pipe is just as insulting; should be weight challenged pipe
- Male/female connector: terms are correct, but we advice affirmative action to have, in evern installation, at least as many male as female connectors
- USB: imperialist, it subpreptiotiously includes United States in the acronym. Should be changed to UNB (universal non-parallel bus)
- Spam: might be offensive to vegetarians and vegans. We suggest tofu instead.
- CPU: this stealth "communist party unit" should be called LDU: Liberal Democrat Unit.
- RAM: offensive for vegans and SUV-pickup haters alike. We suggest VAM: volatile access memory, which looks much more like the more democratic van.
This blog can't think of others right now, but will cheerfully welcome suggestions/additions from readers.