Even as there is not such a thing as a free lunch, I guess it's usually taken for granted it's free to pee. In Spain, at least, I can't seem to remember a place where you have to pay to release your bladder.
In some other places, the situation is quite different. I remember visiting Poland at the beginning of the 90s, and finding at the entrance of every urinary one, or even several persons waiting for your contribution. Enterprising poles had reconverted their work as urine officials, after the fall of the Jaruzelski regime, into a way of assuring their way of life. However, it was incredibly cheap, as most things were back then in Poland, so you could even invite the whole bus (it was an organized tour) to a round of beers, and a leak to boot, for a few dollars.
The situation was quite other in Paris, when I visited it by 1991. You really had to set apart a budget for visiting
Mr. Jacob Delafon, a couple of francs every day, maybe. By the end of the month-long stay, we found that such american staples as McDonalds and Burger King had free pee. You wouldn't expect less from them.
And the situation seems to be the same in Brussels. In the Gare Central, the going rate seems to be 0.30 €. I haven't checked what's the cost of undrinking in the posh restaurants surrounding the Grand Place, but it's probably higher; after all, you might be pissing in the same place as Charles the 5th did 500 years ago (although it was probably free for him).
But what I really found hard to believe is that you had to pay to micturate within the movieplex premises. At least, you have to in the
UGC at de Brouckere. I can imagine their owners salivating when 3-hour long movies are released. "7.20 € ticket + popcorn + coke + two visits to the loo = 15 euro per person!".
So, repeat with me.
Free pee for all!